
THE standard work for field guides. Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East by Pierre Delforge.

Description of 73 species, 20 suggested orchids hikes in Die Orchideen der Schweiz.

The orchids of turkey are described with excellent photos in the book Die Orchideen der Türkei by C.A. Kreutz. Furthermore you find many location.

This is a good and compact field guide by Helmut Baumann und Siegfried Künkele: Orchideen Europas. Mit angrenzenden Gebieten.

The species of Rhodes are described with excellent photos in the book Die Orchideen von Rhodos by C.A. Kreutz. Furthermore you find many location.

The propagation of 70 species is described in the book Avocado bis Zuckerrohr: Tropische Nutzpflanzen selbst ziehen by Heinz Jenuwein.

Presentation of different banana species, which need some winter protection, when they are planted out: Bananen in Mitteleuropa: Anleitung zum erfolgreichen Bananenanbau.

Description of 25 species in Exotische Früchte selbst ziehen: Expertenrat aus erster Hand by Gabriele Lehari.

A description of 36 more or less hardy palms you can find in the book Winterharte Palmen: In Mitteleuropa erfolgreich auspflanzen, pflegen und überwintern by Mario Stähler and Tobias Spanner.

The standard work for Yuccas in the garden is the book Yucca & Co. Winterharte Wüstengärten in Mitteleuropa anlegen und pflegen by Thomas Boeuf.

Adrian Slack is a connoisseur of carnivorous plants for many years. Since 1981 is his book – a great standard work – available. Reprinting from 2000 in English: Carnivorous Plants.

A great illustrated book of carnivorous plants on their natural habitats (worldwide): Karnivoren: Die Welt der fleischfressenden Pflanzen. by Thomas Carow

Another standard work of carnivorous plants by Peter D’Amato: The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants, in English.

Der Naturgarten. A detailed book for the construction of a natural garden by Reinhard Witt.

A awesome book by David Reed, especially for the owner of terraced gardens. The construction of a dry wall is described step-by-step: Gartengestaltung mit Naturstein: Mauern, Wasserläufe und Terrassen. Bauen ohne Mörtel.

You can find excellent information for the construction of bog beds in the book Das Moor im eigenen Garten by Erich Maier. In the book are the construction of different kinds of bogs as well as many bog plants reviewed.

The planning, construction and maintenance of a natural garden are described in the book Naturoase Wildgarten: Überlebensraum für unsere Pflanzen und Tiere. Planung – Praxis – Pflege by Reinhard Witt.

In the awesome book Wildobst und seltene Obstarten im Hausgarten by Helmut Pirc are further rare wild species of fruit including their cultivation and use described.

You can find many hardy ground orchids in the book Orchideen in unserem Garten by Irmin Vogler. In the book is the construction of different orchids biotopes detailed described.

Two beautiful Lech valley heaths are presented with their plants in the book Königsbrunner und Kissinger Heide. Juwelen vor den Toren Augsburgs vorgestellt.