Guava (Psidium guajava)


Guava in June 2011.

The Guava belongs to the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) too. However, it becomes compared to the Pineapple Guava distinct larger. Guavas produce numerous apple- to pear-sized fruits, which both taste well raw and also can be processed. The taste is between pear and strawberry, due to the contained stone cells slight sandy consistency of the fruit pulp.


Guavas become up to 13 metres high trees. Typical is the plane-like bark. This is smooth and grey and exfoliates stripe-like. This phenomenon already occurs in two to three years old plants. The leaves are longish, tough and circa 6 to 12 centimetres long. Cream-coloured, brush-like flowers with a pleasant odour.


Propagation from seeds. Give the cleaned seeds a few millimetres deep into potting compost. After four to six weeks these germinate reliably. Subsequent culture is unproblematic. Water demand is higher than in the case of the Pineapple Guava, Guavas are not hardy. In summer is best location outdoors, in autumn bring the plant into the house and give it a light and cool place. Reduce watering. The Guava can be reared to a shrub or a little tree, cutting is well tolerated.


Also the Guava is a rewarding plant. A propagation from seeds is simple, also later the plant shows a relative good growth with a numerous branch production during summer. The characteristic bark production already begins in the case of circa two years old plants. In my case overwintering was the greatest problem so far. Here water management is not quite unproblematic. Mostly I have underestimated water demand in winter, what the plant has receipted with a partial leaf fall. This year I am inclined to try a rather warm overwintering with higher watering.


In the meantime my Guava is four years old. So far culture is without any problems. In summer it shows outdoors a good growth and quickly compensates damages from the winter quarters. In winter I keep it cool and light. Only slight watering. In the case of this overwintering method the Guava sheds a part of its leaves.

  • Systematics

  • Order: Myrtales
  • Family: Myrtaceae
  • Subfamily: Myrtoideae
  • Genus: Psidium
  • Propagation

  • generative
  • Culture

  • moderate
  • Fruits

  • possible
  • USDA – Zone

  • 10a (-1,1°C)